Classic of Mountains and Seas (Vietnamese Ver.)
In a chaotic era filled with supernatural calamities, an ancient demon known as Yimuwu wreaks havoc, slaughtering an entire village. The demon-slaying monk, Dachi, sealed it beneath the Five-Faced Buddha's statue and recorded the event in the "Demon-Slaying Chronicle". He also saved a boy and named him Renyi. Twenty years later, Renyi ventured down the mountain alone to subdue demons and encountered the Flower Demon, Lianxin, and the crossed-eye sorcerer, Fang Buzheng. When they got into the Chronicle, they learned that the demon-slaying monk was an incarnation of Bodhidharma, who only guided demons to redemption instead of killing them. Those who willingly entered the Demon-Slaying Chronicle would obey the monk's commands. On the other hand, Yimuwu's staff transformed into the Heavenly Lord of Myriad Laws, biding its time for Yimuwu's resurgence. Now, Renyi stands at the crossroads of life and is intertwined with indelible memories that refuse to fade away......