Nine Dragons Mysterious Coffin
In the year of Yi Feng, a group of tomb robbers unearthed a mysterious human-eating coffin, and the golden dragon rose up from the coffin. Detective Dee is ordered to investigate and he finds out that the corpses, who are human-eating and not afraid of swords, are related to the family of Empress Wang, who was exiled to the south of the country twenty years ago. The night of the dragon and the phoenix where people enjoy the lanterns, the eerie sound of flutes floating in the sky over Chang'an City, the zombies crawl out of the nest, biting everyone they see. Detective Dee and Li Lingwei led the army to fight to the zombies, but the city's soldiers become lesser and lesser. The compulsion of the army is growing, the only way is to wait until dawn, for the zombies to burn themselves in the sun, but they can hold out?...