This drama tells the story of the narc undercover Chen Changping. In order to arrest drug lord Tan Xiaoshan's criminal gang, he lurks beside Tan Xiaoshan's only son, Tan Zilong, and repeatedly saves Tan Zilong's life, gaining Tan Zilong's trust. Chen Changping rescued Xiao Mei and her son who had their family be destroyed by a drug dealer. Chen Changping relied on Xiao Mei to communicate with Li Zhengbin. In the eyes of others, Chen Changping and Xiao Mei seem to be married. Chen Changping notified Xiao Mei to leave immediately when he was met with an accident, but was caught by Tan Xiaoshan. Tan Xiaoshan held Xiao Mei and Ming Ming hostage and cut off the means of contacting Li Zhengbin. Chen Changping could only make a desperate bet and sacrificed the unique code created by police officer Yu Zhenhai and Li Zhengbin to pass on the message. In order to ensure the safety of Xiao Mei and Ming Ming, Chen Changping had to risk the danger alone and went to the Zhaka drug base, which had coveted Tan Xiaoshan for many years, to negotiate and rescue Tan Zilong. At the last critical moment, Chen Changping and Li Zhengbin joined hands to capture Tan Xiaoshan and his son, and put an end to this “hunting operation.”...