Don't tease me honey!
Thanu's bed hug
A reward to me
Our Private Seflie
Sorry for breaking our promise
Let's break the rule
Love measurement
Will you forget me?
I will save you
I will wait for you
Good night Kiss
I won't date you again
Switch the date
Coffee for love
Support from Thanu to Wayu
I won't date you anyway
The sweetest goodbye
Gen Y The Series Season 2 Trailer
Morning love for my boyfriend
I won't let you go
Your punishment is a kiss
An apology of the past love
from stranger to lover

Gen Y The Series Season 2>I won't date you again

12 Episodes
Description:The feeling of disappointment that arose with all characters in Gen Y The Series SS1 will be solved, especially the suddenly ended of Pha and Wayu. Wayu decided to start to be a couple with Thanu, but it may not be easy because of the unclear relationship between Thanu and Phai. At the same time, Mark and Kij got a problem with distancing and timing. Before they decide to call it off, they focus on temporary separation as an option. that may make them know how the importance of each other. Pok has tried so hard to be better for Tong but He feels like He is just not up to Tong's expectation. Also, Tong has tried to give all the best to Pok but He had misunderstood that Pok never wants it. While Wayu started to open up to a new relationship, a problem of Mark and Kij, a conflict of Pok and Tong. They have to learn how to love in Gen Y The Series Season2. Watch rerun first only on iQiyi
Don't tease me honey!
Thanu's bed hug
A reward to me
Our Private Seflie
Sorry for breaking our promise
Let's break the rule
Love measurement
Will you forget me?
I will save you
I will wait for you
Good night Kiss
I won't date you again
Switch the date
Coffee for love
Support from Thanu to Wayu
I won't date you anyway
The sweetest goodbye
Gen Y The Series Season 2 Trailer
Morning love for my boyfriend
I won't let you go
Your punishment is a kiss
An apology of the past love
from stranger to lover