EP38 Banhua was killed
EP37 BanHua was conspired
EP36 BanHua was forced to marry
EP36 Found out the truth about BanHua's marriage
EP35The Big Dinner
EP34The Powful Strategy
EP34The Unexpectly End
EP33The Punishment of Gambling
EP33The Traitor of Army
EP32 Defend the homeland
EP31 I don't love you anymore
EP30 Ban Hua In danger
EP29 Rong Xia is jealous
EP28 promise
EP27 marriage proposal
EP26 Ban Hua Protects Her Huband
EP25 Marry Me
EP08 Guan And Hou Cooperate! Framing The Prince Together
EP02 He Is Attracked By Guan Xiao Tong
EP13 Hou Holds Guan
EP09 Guan Wants Hou To Be Her Boyfriend
EP07 Drunken Hou Wins Prize For Guan
EP7 hiding and first kiss
EP14 Hou Kisses Guan
EP10 Guan And Hou Are Getting Married?
EP05 Hou Tries To Discourage Guan From Marry With Other
EP06 Fisrt Kiss!
Rong and Ban skate together
EP01 Guan Is Exposed When She Pretends To Be Hou's Wife
EP03 Hou Wants To Kill Guan?
EP11 I Will Fullfill Your Desire If You Win
EP12 Kissing At A Snowy Night
[短视频]EP10 Guan And Hou Are Getting Married?[49-75]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第6集[105-144]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第9集[89-127]
[短视频]EP05 Hou Tries To Discourage Guan From Marry With Other[129-178]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第8集[1-44]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第3集[225-264]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第4集[218-247]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第1集[0-28]

Con Gái Là Thế Đó>EP33The Punishment of Gambling

Cập nhật tới tập 42 / Tổng cộng 40 tập
Trung Quốc đại lụcLãng MạnPhim HàiTình BạnHôn NhânCổ TrangTình Yêu Ngọt NgàoTiếng Phổ ThôngCổ Đại
Hiển thị thêm
Miêu tả:Tác phẩm xoay quanh câu chuyên tình yêu của nữ chính Ban Họa - người con gái vô tư, kiên cường dù ba lần bị từ hôn và chàng trai tài hoa tuyệt thiên hạ - Dung Hà.
EP38 Banhua was killed
EP37 BanHua was conspired
EP36 BanHua was forced to marry
EP36 Found out the truth about BanHua's marriage
EP35The Big Dinner
EP34The Powful Strategy
EP34The Unexpectly End
EP33The Punishment of Gambling
EP33The Traitor of Army
EP32 Defend the homeland
EP31 I don't love you anymore
EP30 Ban Hua In danger
EP29 Rong Xia is jealous
EP28 promise
EP27 marriage proposal
EP26 Ban Hua Protects Her Huband
EP25 Marry Me
EP08 Guan And Hou Cooperate! Framing The Prince Together
EP02 He Is Attracked By Guan Xiao Tong
EP13 Hou Holds Guan
EP09 Guan Wants Hou To Be Her Boyfriend
EP07 Drunken Hou Wins Prize For Guan
EP7 hiding and first kiss
EP14 Hou Kisses Guan
EP10 Guan And Hou Are Getting Married?
EP05 Hou Tries To Discourage Guan From Marry With Other
EP06 Fisrt Kiss!
Rong and Ban skate together
EP01 Guan Is Exposed When She Pretends To Be Hou's Wife
EP03 Hou Wants To Kill Guan?
EP11 I Will Fullfill Your Desire If You Win
EP12 Kissing At A Snowy Night
[短视频]EP10 Guan And Hou Are Getting Married?[49-75]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第6集[105-144]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第9集[89-127]
[短视频]EP05 Hou Tries To Discourage Guan From Marry With Other[129-178]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第8集[1-44]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第3集[225-264]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第4集[218-247]
[短视频]我就是这般女子 第1集[0-28]
Đề xuất cho bạn